Dance Calendar 2024-2025
September 16th: Classes begin!
September 23rd - 28th: Bring a Friend to Class Week
October 14th: Columbus Day - Closed; No class
October 24th - 30th: Autumn Harvest Week
Wear dance outfits and/or accessories in orange & black!
October 31st: Halloween - Closed; No class
2nd Tuition Payment Due: November 1, 2024
November 11th - 16th: Team Spirit Week
Wear everything PURPLE to dance class!
November 27th - 30th: Thanksgiving Holiday - Closed; No class
Studio re-opens Monday, December 2nd
December 1st: All Recital Costumes Ordered
December 14th - 19st: Holiday Spirit Week
Wear your favorite holiday dance outfit!
December 19th - January 3rd: Holiday Vacation - Closed; No classes
Studio re-opens on Saturday, Jan. 4th, 2025
January 2025
January 4th: Studio re-opens!
January 15th: All solo entry fee’s for competition season are due
January 13th - 18th: Snowflake Week: Tribute to Frozen
Accessorize with snowflakes!
January 20th Martin Luther King Day - Closed; No class
3rd & Final Tuition Payment Due: February 1, 2025
February 8th - 13th: Queen of Hearts Week
Wear red, pink, or hearts!
February 14th - 18th: Winter Break - Closed; No classes
Studio re-opens on Wednesday, February 19th
March 10th - 17th: Wearin’ of the Green Week
Wear your green and St. Patrick's attire!
~Costume Delivery at Studio~
(All dance balances need to be paid in FULL in order to receive costumes)
*For Competition Teams & Solo’s
Cosmetics & Hair Style Class for Team & Solo’s: TBD
April 13th - 19th: Spring Break - Closed; No classes
Studio re-opens on Monday April 21st
Tentative Competition Weekend Dates for Teams & Solo’s
March 22nd - 24th: Showstoppers at Foxwoods Resort, Mashantucket, CT
TBD - Picture Day
TBD - Deadline for Keepsake Photo in Recital Program
Tentative Competition Weekend Dates for Teams & Solo’s
May 2nd - 4th: Imagine Palace Theater, Waterbury, CT
May 17th: Ticket Sales Day
May 24th - 26th: Memorial Day Weekend - Closed; No classes
June 7th : Dress rehearsal at Newington High School
June 8th: Recital day at Newington High School